to HARC, the Tufts University Veterinary Medical School Hoarding of
Animals Research Consortium, animal hoarding, previously known as
collecting, is a poorly understood phenomenon which transcends simply
owning or caring for more than the typical number of pets, and affects
every community in the US. It has serious consequences for people,
animals, and communities. New cases are reported in the media each day,
with dozens of others unreported, and still more undetected. Animal
hoarding is a community problem. It is cruel to animals, can devastate
families, be associated with elder abuse, child abuse, and self-neglect,
and be costly for municipalities to resolve. Without appropriate
post-intervention treatment, recidivism approaches 100%. Increased
awareness, leading to more comprehensive long-term interventions, is
needed. Animal Hoarding is not about animal sheltering, rescue, or
sanctuary, and should not be confused with these legitimate efforts to
help animals. It is about satisfying a human need to accumulate animals
and control them, and this need supersedes the needs of the animals
involved. Animal hoarding is becoming a growing problem since it is
becoming more recognized. Animal Hoarding was first identified and
researched in 1997 by Dr Gary J Patronek, DVM, Ph.D., and his team
through HARC at the Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine,
North Grafton, Massachusetts. Dr Patronek and his associates were the
first to use the term animal hoarding and to write a definition of the
phrase, thus, an animal hoarder is defined as:
Someone who
accumulates a large number of animals, fails to provide even the minimal
standards of nutrition, sanitation and veterinary care, and fails to
act on the deteriorating condition of the animals (including disease,
starvation and even death), or the environment (severe overcrowding,
extremely unsanitary conditions) or the negative effect of the
collection on their own health and well-being and on that of other
household members.
Hoarders can fool you. In public they may
appear to be well dressed, productive members of society. They often
take great care with their appearance and may present a polished, even
superior image which belies the filth and degradation in which they
live. Perhaps the most prominent psychological feature of these
individuals is that pets (and other possessions) become central to the
hoarder's core identity. The hoarder develops a strong need for control,
and just the thought of losing an animal can produce an intense
grief-like reaction. This may account for the difficulty this causes
some observers of hoarders who misunderstand the grief reaction for a
real concern for the animal's welfare when, in fact, hoarders are
concerned with their own needs and not the condition of the animals at
all. One of the main points made by HARC about the disease of animal
hoarding is that while hoarders may view themselves as saviors of the
animals, they are driven by a need to control. Hoarding is not about
loving or saving, it is about power and control- the power to control a
helpless creature. Animal hoarding is a form of obsessive compulsive
disorder (OCD) - the rationale is that nobody could possibly care for
the animal as well as they can, nor, more importantly, love them as much
as they do.
It has also been suggested that animal hoarding is a
form of passive cruelty. Hoarders typically profess a great love for
their animals and yet, by everyone else's standards, the conditions
under which the animals live are nothing short of barbaric - homes are
usually cluttered and unsanitary with feces all over the house, debris,
rats, fleas and other parasites and, in many cases rotting corpses of
the very animals that these people profess to love so dearly. Conditions
in a lot of these homes are often such that even the Animal Control
officers who are ultimately called to deal with these cases have been
known to vomit at the sights that greet them when they finally gain
access. The stench of rotting debris, of feces and ammonia from pets
that do all their 'business' within four walls make it not only a
dangerous and unhealthy proposition for these case workers, but also for
the residents who live with the animals, and of course the animals
Studies suggest that in hoarding cases, for the most
part, there will usually be one person involved, or perhaps a couple.
Typically, animal hoarders tend to be female, older and solitary. They
concentrate on one or two species of animals and fail to acknowledge the
extent of the lack of sanitation and animal suffering. They may also be
on disability, retired or unemployed.
Hoarding, by definition, is
a condition in which animals are deprived of even minimal standards of
care. The consequences of this deprivation vary in each situation,
depending on how far it deteriorates until discovered. In some cases,
particularly in the early stages, the visible signs of suffering are few
- perhaps mild weight loss, poor hair coat, and parasites. Despite
whatever physical afflictions do or do not develop, the psychological
suffering from intensive confinement will go even more unnoticed. As
conditions deteriorate and / or crowding increases, irritating levels of
ammonia develop from the accumulated feces and urine, infectious
diseases may spread, injuries develop and are not treated, sick animals
are ignored, and the early stages of starvation may begin. As conditions
spiral downward, animals die from lack of food or water and untreated
illness or injury. It is not unusual for dead animals to be found among
the living, with some animals cannibalizing the corpses of others. In
some cases, this may involve only a few animals, in other cases, homes
or farms become literal graveyards, with bodies scattered where they